Christian Union

The Christian Union is open to all, exploring the Christian faith in a spirit of hospitality, compassion, enjoyment and respect.

Thousands of pupils have participated in the Christian Union since 1885. It is led by pupils themselves along with a number of Old Paulines, and is overseen by the School Chaplain with the support of various members of staff.

Weekly events are: Tuesday lunchtime T-bar, with fun, games and fellowship; the Thursday morning Eucharist, shared with the whole school community; and the Friday meeting in Chapel for a fellowship through a hymn, prayer, a talk and then football.

During the year the SPSCU run two holidays, the Easter and Summer ‘House Parties’. They are residential stays in which there is the chance to further explore the Christian faith and consider some of life’s deeper questions. There is also plenty of time to be involved in the exciting program of indoor and outdoor games and pursuits. The house parties continue to be places which are all inclusive, fun and pressure free environments. Further information can be found by clicking the link below.

House Parties – Click Here!

For any further enquiries or questions please email the Chaplain, Rev. Matthew Knox on chaplain@stpaulsschool.org.uk